Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Time flies when you're havin fun!" And that I am!

We had a great activity with all the ward missionaries from the branch this week! This is one excited Missionary Team!

"Don't throw away trash" haha 

Baptism of Oscar

28 de Octubre, 2013

Wow look at that headline! We are almost in November! I would not be exaggerating if I said that this year has gone by faster than any other year of my life! Good time for the cliché "Time flies when you're havin fun!" And that I am! 

Well not much news on the home front but shout out to mom for making the great effort with the letter! Definitely appreciated... Dad, you're falling behind. Although some props are deserved from that BroTrip 2013 video that mom sent me, and all that with the iPhone?! Tragic Cowboys losses are always difficult... but it looks like the Horns are comin' back! And what a drag of a World Series eh? I'll give the nod the BoSox for the Jill and Chris fam haha. 

Here in Ipiales is always fun. We had some great stuff happen this past week! And by great stuff I mean miracles! First off we had an old investigator make a huge comeback, Oscar Chavez who had investigated the church about 8 years ago, 4 years ago and about 6 months ago finally found the answer he was looking for! The miracle happened and he was baptized! He has a brother who is a member and from many, many years of prayer they were finally answered. It was amazing to see because to be honest the missionaries didn't really do much in this case, there was not really much more to do! But a prayer and a miracle interview made it happen. What a joy to see the Lord's hand so plainly in this Work! 

Another miracle happened with Claudia! Well it started off amazing, then horrible, then amazing again. Like I have said before she is the most prepared of any investigator I have ever had. So we arranged a visit with the husband who had been making it difficult for her attend church, and it went great! We spoke of the family and the blessings they can receive through the Gospel, even Claudia bore an amazing testimony about how strong she feels about the Church. His heart was softened and he agreed to come to church. 

So Sunday came around and for some reason they didn't get there, worried, we called them and there was no answer. We had no idea what was happening. Then we receive a call from Claudia crying and telling us that something had happened. Her husband didn't keep his commitment and not only that but he told her to choose if she wants to be with him or keep attending church. He put the ultimatum and obviously Claudia had no idea what to do. She had her 7 year old there with her, and felt the impression that she should go to church and that everything would be fine. 

I can't imagine how she felt, totally believing that he was going to come and having that be his reaction. I was stunned at the faith that she showed and humbled at the strength of conversion. She trusted the promise that Alma gave his son... 

For I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day." (Alma 36:3) 

The tender mercy for me at least was the last hymn "I am a child of God" There she was leading and guiding her son and helping him find the way even if she cant quite enter that way. It was a spiritually overwhelming experience for sure.

We also had a great week finding new people to teach. We found a lady named Venus who was found in the street of all places who was super prepared. Usually the prepared investigators come from the members, but in this case the Lord was rewarding our extra effort! 

For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward... "Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness; For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward." (DC 58:26-28) 

That scripture has helped me A LOT in my mission to not make excuses and just act. In the same way we found a wonderful family of 5! Just a ton of blessings this past week.

This week is a big week that we are looking forward to, big goals that the mission has planned for everyone! So keep us in our prayers, especially us in Ipiales because we really have desires to give our all these next months. Not sure if I will be here much longer, but I know the Lord put me here with these missionaries for something! Thanks for everything I love you all! 

Espero que todos puedan tener a Colombia en sus oraciones, este país hermoso las necesita!

Elder Eliason 

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